Pacific Island Books
Women and Youth

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Women and Youth


Pacific Women: Roles and Status of Women in Pacific Societies edited by Taiamoni Tongamoa. Recommended retail price $ 10.

The status of women is one of the most controversial issues in the contemporary South Pacific. In a region so isolated from the rest of the world, western civilization and development, culture and tradition are powerful. However, technological changes and resulting attitudinal changes have led women to see their traditional roles as mother and housewife no longer as divinely sanctioned. This book, a conscious effort to look at the issues from Pacific perspectives, presents the viewpoints of some Pacific women with varying degree of exposure to modern technologies and western culture. Soft cover, 104 pages.

Click here for photo from Pacific Women. (40.50K)


The Passionate Pen, New Zealand's Romance Writers talk to Rachel McAlpine by Rachel McAlpine. Recommended retail price $13, our price $12.

They are read for escapism, for relaxation, for sheer pleasure. Many people think they could toss one off and make big money as a result. They put this New Zealand on the map in a way few other activities or events can match. They are romance novels - and the New Zealand women who write them are the subjects of this surprising, funny and often moving book.

The 15 women who talk to Rachel McAlpine (herself a serious New Zealand literary figure) are responsible for some of the most popular books in the world and they have, between them, an extraordinary number of fans. Rachel's interesting interviews give us a glimpse into the lives of these women, who apart from their writing skills are surprisingly like you and me. Soft cover, 176 pp.


Penny Gulliver’s Self-Defence Handbook for Women by Penny Gulliver. ISBN 0868064971. Published by Hale & Iremonger. Recommended retail price $18.

When should you fight back, and how? What works – and what doesn’t? This comprehensive guide to self-defense for women by Australia’s leading expert in the field tells you what to do in a no-nonsense practical terms.

‘Penny Gulliver has taught thousands of Australian women from the ages of eight to 78 how to protect themselves… Women are taught to be submissive from birth, but when a woman is attacked, she should always fight back’ -- CLEO

Soft cover, 158 pages. Published in 1994.

Click on links below for these related books.

Givers of Wisdom, Labourers Without Gain: Essays on Women in Solomon Islands by Alice Aruhe'eta Pollard

Nobody Told Me! Shame; the impact of shame in multi-generational family systems and parenting practices by Denise Hayes

Nothing Like a Dame: A Biography of Dame Daphne Purves by Molly Anderson

Parenting Girls by Dr. Janet Irwin, Susanna de Vries and Susan Stratigos Wilson

Parenting; What we need to know to make a difference by Terry E. Lawson

Tamaitai Samoa: Their Stories by Peggy Fairbairn-Dunlop

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